Saturday, October 11, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Cow on the Golf Course
I forgot to mention in the last post that recently Tim had to chase a COW off of the golf course!! Here is the picture that Tim took with his phone for proof. Crazy!
Posted by Tim & Kristin at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Finally An Update!
Wow, it has been a crazy month! I haven't written a post in a while because I was unsure of where we were going to be living, working, etc. as most of you already know. For those of you that haven't heard... Tim is now the Superintendent of the golf course at Bear Mountain Ranch. He is doing very well with the new job so far and has already seemed to adjust to the new responsibilities. I am so proud of him!
The same week that Tim was offered the new position, I traveled back to Minneapolis for my cousin Nicole and her now husband Trent's wedding. I also was able to make a quick trip to Nisswa to hang out with my sister on the lake for a day. It was so much fun to see most of my amazing family again even though it was such a short trip! Since I have been back, Tim and I have been looking into moving into Chelan so we can be closer to where he works. It will be so nice for him to be able to sleep in an extra hour every morning and to be able to relax a little more when he gets back home from work. We would also like to golf a lot more than we are able to right now. I have sent a few resumes out this week and I am still looking for other possibilities so hopefully I will find something soon. I am starting to go crazy with boredom at home every day!
For our first anniversary and Tim's birthday, Tim and I went to a resort near Portland for the weekend. The picture below is of the view from our hotel of the Columbia River, which separates Washington and Oregon. It was such a beautiful area. From what we have seen, Washington is such a pretty state and we are looking forward to do more traveling around the state in the future!
Posted by Tim & Kristin at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sarah's Visit
I know a few of you have been watching for a new post, but there hasn't been too much going on since Sarah visited two weekends ago. We spent this weekend watching golf and running a few errands. Tim had to work, but was still able to make it back home by about 10 AM so that was nice.

Posted by Tim & Kristin at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sue & Bryan's Visit to WA
Sue and Bryan came to visit us over memorial day and we all had a great time! Tim and Bryan were able to golf twice while Sue and I rode along to watch them and enjoy the views. I forgot my camera the first time... we had to leave Wenatchee at 5:30 AM to make it on time for their tee time at 6:30 AM... so I didn't get many more pictures of the golf course, but I do have a few. Over the weekend we also went to Leavenworth, which is a Bavarian town that is popular with tourists. It has many small shops similar to the ones in Nisswa, MN if you are familiar with those and many restaurants and wine tasting rooms. One of our favorites so far is the cheese shop... they let you try any of the many cheeses that they have! And there is a Cold Stone there, which is my favorite ice cream!! We also had a chance to shop in downtown Wenatchee and drove up a mountain to see the view of the city.

Posted by Tim & Kristin at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Golf Course and More
Posted by Tim & Kristin at 3:53 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Graduation & Moving
Well, we made it through the crazy weekend!!! Tim made it back to Fargo a day earlier than planned last Wednesday night and the next day and a half were spent packing, studying for my last final, and graduating! Saturday we went to Bird Island for Cody and Tina Bohm's wedding and we were on the road to WA before 2 on Sunday afternoon. We made it to Billings, MT Sunday night and we got home in WA around 8 Monday night after a long day of driving. We were amazed by how well the dogs did on the road trip!! Bella spent most the time in her kennel sleeping as she usually does. Bogey spent the majority of the time sleeping too, which was quite surprising! Usually he loves to run around the car, but he seemed fairly content as long as he was in my lap. I will leave you with some pictures of graduation and the road trip!
Posted by Tim & Kristin at 6:57 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
We're Moving!!
As you all probably know by now, Tim and I will soon be living together in East Wenatchee, WA. It has been a tough couple months for the both of us since Tim has already been living and working there while I am finishing up my last semester of school. We wanted to create this blog so we could share our new experiences and photos with our family and friends while we are living in Washington. So for now I am going to leave you with some photos from when we moved Tim out there and with a couple links of where Tim works. Enjoy!!
Posted by Tim & Kristin at 5:15 PM 0 comments