I know a few of you have been watching for a new post, but there hasn't been too much going on since Sarah visited two weekends ago. We spent this weekend watching golf and running a few errands. Tim had to work, but was still able to make it back home by about 10 AM so that was nice.
We had a fun weekend with Sarah two weekends ago! She was working in Seattle the following Monday so it was a great chance for her to be able to come visit us! We did some wine tasting in Chelan, visited the golf course and the model home there, and went out for a nice dinner that Saturday. On Sunday we drove around Wenatchee a little and went for a walk on the paths by the river. The weather was beautiful over the weekend, but it was a good thing Sarah drove back to Seattle on that Sunday afternoon because it snowed all night and the next morning in the mountains. It is crazy that we still have a small amount of snow on the mountains. I guess it is usually long gone by now.
We are looking forward to this weekend... it is Tim's 26th birthday on Sunday and our 1st anniversary on Monday!!!
I added this picture of Bogey and I because everyone that has seen it has commented on how big Bogey looks! He has grown, but I think he is just about done now. The rest of the pictures are from the weekend Sarah was here.